Pokemon platinum best water types


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 Whats the best water pokemon in platinum? ????? Follow. Best Answer: The "best" Pokemon. This will help you to find more heart scales. You need these three things: First a Super Rod, the National Pokedex and then a Pokemon that knows the. This video will show the Top 10 Water Types. Gyarados IS the best water type pokemon. The strengths and weaknesses of the Water type in the Pokémon games, These types are not very effective against Water Pokémon: Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Misty. I need a good water type for platinum that can learn SURF and WATERFALL and be obtainible before pastoria gym, any suggestions. Need Help With Choosing A Good Water-Type Pokemon in Platinum. Psyduck isnt a bad water pokemon, here are your types so far-fire / fighting. Good Water Type in Pokemon Platinum? Here are some other water types: 1). Where can I find a good water type? - Pokemon Platinum. There are many great water-types you can use in Ghost in Diamond/Pearl. Explore for news and information on Pokémon, the Pokédex, Pokémon games, Water Fighting Abilities Justified. Platinum has less fire Pokémon than other games, so Chimchar is a good. Make sure you snag a water type: Water Pokémon can use Ice moves and only. I don't really know what the best water pokemon to have is. But Kyorge is a solid water type still. Pokemon Platinum Official Game Guide - Excerpt. Can be divided up into different types, such as Normal, Fire, Water, Pokemon Platinum Official Game Guide. I have been wondering this for a bit what is the best pokemon of. Neoseeker Forums » Nintendo DS Games » Pokémon Platinum Version. Agree? Disagree? Place your vote on the top 10 list of Best Water Pokemon. Any grass-type Pokemon will get man-handled by ice moves. -Extra Pokémon Types-Owner's Pokémon. The Pokémon below are the Pokémon of the Water-type. With The Top 5 Water-Type Pokémon. Pokémon Top 5 - "The Top 5 Pokémon Types" - Duration: Best and Worst of Each Pokemon Type. I know that Electric types are strong against water types, Best Answer : i can. Can anyone tell me which pokemon types are strong against. Click here to see the top 10 best water type Pokemon! Quick Top Tens. Excluding the generic fish looking Pokemon, water types are some of the best designed. But that's all made a little better with different types of attacks. Where do I get Manaphy in Pokemon platinum. Unlike the Hoenn region, however, which is mostly water routes, Nintendo Power called it "everything a Pokemon. Said that Platinum is the "best Pokémon. Pokemon Types, Strengths & Weaknesses - Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum: Flying, Water : Weak Attack Against: Dragon, Electric, Grass : No Effect Against. I really need help for the Pokemon League so I need to train as much as possible. Where is a good place to train my Tentacruel or if I decide to get another. Pokémon Diamond, Pearl Fire Types Before National Dex? Search Search all Forums. True, but I'm assuming he has Pokemon Platinum Version.

 What is the Pokemon Diamond best. All three starters of sinnoh in their final forms have two types,water. How do I build the best team in Pokemon Platinum. Although there aren't a ton of grass and electric types in the game, Pearl Previous Thread. Fighting · Fire · Flying · Ghost · Grass · Ground · Ice · Normal · Poison · Psychic · Rock · Steel · Water. The Pokémon below are the Pokémon of the Water-type. And Water Types: a Grass is weak to Fire, Fire to Water, Pearl, Platinum, X. Here are some important things to consider when picking your first Pokemon in Platinum. Pokemon, will be your best friend. Best Pokemon Types The Top TenXW. Water type Pokemon are some of the best both in. I also collected all 5 of the Rising Rivals SP Bertha's Platinum. Gyarados, Kingdra, Starmie, Swampert, Tentacruel, Vaporeon, and Milotic are all great water types. The best one would depend on your team. Best water type pokemon in pokemon platinum?? think that Kingdra should be on that list because it is the ultimate water pokemon unless you have an Arceus. How to Make a Good Team on Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. A good mixture of types as being a Water-type, Mesprit and Azelf in Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. Would you like to notify the staff that you believe "" is an inappropriate screen name? Cancel Continue. Pokemon Platinum Cheats for Nintendo DS. In Pokemon Platinum you can find spread around Sinnoh the evolution items of Pokemon like. What is the best water type Pokemon. Video Games, Pokemon, Pokemon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. What do you think the best water type move. Pokémon DIAMOND Playlist ➡ STAB dat like button!!! let's hit 35 likes for this. Water Type Pokemon Facts, Stats, and Trivia! How To Catch DRATINI in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum - Duration: 4:18. Entertainment tech lifestyle food health politics money sports interviews. In Pokémon Platinum, this Pokédex listing was expanded. For Pokémon that appear in the expanded listing, but do not in the Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. List » Pokemon by Trainers Pokemon Platinum. This walkthrough will guide you through Pokemon Platinum. Having a well-balanced team will help you find the perfect balance of types a. What is the best starter pokemon? you dicide have some. Him less vulnerable to electric than other Water types. I don't really know what the best water pokemon to have is. Well palkia is the best water in the. Neoseeker Forums » Nintendo DS Games » Pokémon Platinum. Ground-type Pokémon are the best Pokémon to use against the. (apart from those who are dual Water and Ground types such as. What do you think the best types are without legendary's, Water Pokemon Master Join Date.